"If a human is a hero, he is a hero of one generation. If his consciousness becomes a hero, a human will remain a hero for a thousand years." Chinggis Khan

"Consciousness", called as "hero for a thousand years", is an eternal, indestructible essence, existing eternally regardless of time and space. Thus, Chinggis Khan accurately defined consciousness, which is not understood by modern science.

He means that heroic deeds are the merit of only one period of life, but if you know your consciousness, you will create eternal merit. This is the statement of a human with great conscience and wisdom. This is how Chinggis Khan described himself.



Differences between the peoples of the world of that time and today, and the Mongols of Hunnu and Genghis Khan:

People all over the world for thousands of years have always been people of the mind, but the Mongols have always been people of consciousness.

This means Earth and Sky.

This is the secret of the ancient Mongols, starting with Hunnu, and the Mongols of previous generations up to the 21st century. This is the true story of the ancestors and origin of each Mongol.

Gurragchaagiin Lkhagvaa, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Sc. D.), Mongolia

Nyamjantsangiin Dolgorsuren, Master's student, Mongolia




Description of the modern world about the ancient Mongols

“How illiterate, uncultured and rough peoples were able to defeat the civilized states of the world has not yet been explained” (J. Saunders).

Full description of Chingis Khan

"Chingis Khan is a human of consciousness, not of the mind = Saint (enlightened sage)".

Consciousness is also a concept beyond the mind or reason.

"Ancient Mongols = People of Consciousness (saints)".

Formula of ancient and early Mongols, who were people of consciousness



Some explanation of J. Saunders' Doubts

√ "Illiterate" means "uneducated"; (The lower the knowledge, the higher the consciousness, and the higher the consciousness, the higher the development of human).

√ "Rough" - "not using his mind" (absence of thoughts, a saint who is detached from the need to think about the past and the future, being in the present time);

"No thought" is emptiness, the highest state of perfection, and according to Zen Buddhist theory, all the gods of the three times are born from there. Thought is a destructive force, and no thought is a creative force. This is something that every enlightened person knows well.

√ “Uncultured” means “without ego”; (“no self”, and it is unknown whether I exist or not);

√ “Very small food in quantity” limits the entropy of the body, does not suppress the internal energy of the organism, perfectly nourishes the consciousness and becomes a source of strength, endurance, stamina, health and consciousness.

One of the most valuable and true knowledge that conscious Mongols discovered and applied in their lives is scientifically based proper nutrition. They were the only people who realized even in the Hunnu period the reason why consciousness dissolves in taste and weakens, and so moved away from real food, and created spiritual food and practiced it by thousands. This is their great contribution to the development of humanity.

Thus, although the Mongols, being a conscious people, ate 5-6 times less than the Europeans of that time, they were just as advanced in such personal indicators as strength, endurance, patience, intellectual abilities and health. This means that 100,000 Mongolian soldiers were actually equivalent to the world army of 500,000-600,000 people of that time. No other people in human history has achieved such a high level of personal development.


The above indicators of the ancient and previous Mongols are essentially the basic state of quantum mechanics and the correct state of existence, life and activity of human.

Since the time of the Hunnu, the Mongolian idol was Being (Universe) or Eternal Heaven. This is the idol of Buddha and Tao.

"The will of Being or Heaven" is its vibration.

To be in harmony with the Universe means to be in harmony with its vibrations.

The essential nature of all life in the universe is the will of Being, or fluctuation. The Mongols, who descended from the Hunnu, deeply understood and applied the science that things happen naturally, are achieved and happen when they are in accordance with it.

(Unfortunately, people continue to think, speak and act in ways they are not supposed to, and by going against the will of the Universe, they end up losing all the best things in their lives. This is the end of the mind, that is, the fate of reason.)

The world was given by the Universe to Chinggis Khan, a human of consciousness, who made the Eternal Sky his concept and penetrated the quantum consciousness of Existence. That is the whole secret of Chingghis Khan and the early Mongols.

The quantum world is complete consciousness, that is, the greatest, incomparable force.

This mystery remains unsolved, since science, based on reason, is not able to awaken consciousness.



An enlightened sage said: "After growing tired of criticism and all attempts to correct the world, I realized that the one who must correct is myself."

What did they understand?

They realized that the mind is a limited force, with a beginning and an end, a mere part of the brain, a mere concept of "I am - the ego" and incapable of developing a personality, and will disappear along with the body when death occurs. They realized that the personality is not the mind, not this body, but a timeless consciousness that is invulnerable to the attacks of death.

Human life is short, energy is limited, and with this limited energy we must discover the infinite and develop ourselves. In this short life we must find the eternal way, that love, gratitude, care, compassion and inner peace - happiness, which is the light of consciousness - is our indestructible and inexhaustible wealth, and that everything else is temporary.

They realized that who cannot correct himself cannot correct anything else.

They realized that self-improvement is the attainment of eternal consciousness.

What does this have to do with the ancient and earlier Mongols?

They were people of consciousness who found themselves and corrected themselves. Finding yourself means realizing that you are not this body, not this mind, not this knowledge, but consciousness.

Their understanding is to thrive on their eternal nature of ghost, consciousness, and energy.

A human of consciousness is a revolutionary who has conquered the mind, that is, himself. In other words, it means not using the mind. It is a completely different level of knowledge than what we have today. A human becomes conscious when he extracts his soul and dwells within himself, discovering his inner nature and values, such as peace, joy, love, care, compassion and gratitude, and then evolving into a conscious personality.

Naturally, when you find inner peace, desires naturally disappear. Buddha called this happiness.

This should be added to the formula of consciousness of the ancient Mongols.

Consciousness=1/(Inner peace)=1/Desire

Inner peace is one of the priceless inner riches of a person. Buddhism and Taoism knew the secrets of a person whose desire is replaced by peace, and a person is content with what he has, will become soft and peaceful. A little later, the Hunnu Mongols discovered this and applied it in their lives for more than two thousand years.

At the invitation of Chingis Khan, the enlightened Taoist monk Chang Chun traveled through Mongolia on his way to Samarkand, noticed a completely different nature on the Mongols and said with great gratitude: "The Mongols have been a happy people for thousands of years." It is indeed difficult to imagine an entire people that could compare with the saints of Buddhism and Taoism.

The formation of such a people, originating from the Hunnu, was undoubtedly influenced by the conditions of life, in particular the nomadic way of life and the culture that worshipped Being and nature, respected the clan and origin, valued the lower seat without the ego and recognized its inner human - consciousness. Let us present the formula of consciousness of Buddhism, Taoism and the ancient Mongols.

Consciousness=1/Mind=1/Knowledge=1/Ego=1/Thought=1/(Inner peace ) =1/Desire =1/Food

"Consciousness is inversely proportional to intelligence, knowledge, ego, thoughts, desire and food intake."

Consciousness is the eternal essence of human, not limited by the material world, space or time, and it is the most powerful tool of human.

Consciousness is an indicator of human development, an indicator of the plurality of the soul (E = m c2), and intelligence is an indicator of the body (IQ).

Of course, even today's science has no idea about consciousness, so the famous Einstein can be forgiven for not understanding consciousness. This is evident from his formula below.



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